The Verge recently posted an article that referenced Rush Limbaugh , and his belief that the tech blog press is made up of Apple 'haters'. He goes on to equate this to how mainstream media is biased against the Republican party, but this is a tech blog, so I'll leave the politics for another day. The comments from readers have been overwhelmingly negative towards his assertion, saying that in fact the tech press is too much in bed with Apple, not the other way around. But it did put into place something that I've personally noticed more and more lately. It's not that tech bloggers want to 'hate' Apple. In fact most of them are Mac Book Pro toting, iPhone using, iPad on-the-toilet-reading, Apple fans with their foot firmly in the Apple ecosystem. It's simply that many of them are dealing with a subtle undercurrent in the industry right now that is nervous about if Apple can keep up it's innovative dominance. Ever since the passing of Steve Jobs, A...
Ramblings of a Liberal Arts Technologist